Influence of Zonal Factor and Agricultural Treatment on Atrazine Toxicity in Soil Media in Relation to Wheat Plant

M.A. Anisimova, G.F. Lebedeva, I.V. Perminova

Abstract Book of the IXth International Colloquium for the Optimization of Plant Nutrition, 8-15 September 1996, Prague, Czech Republic, p.215.

ABSTRACT. The zonal factor and different agricultural treatments influence of the toxicity of atrazine applied to the soil media was investigated on the example of wheat plants. It was shown, that the studied soil can be put into the following sequence according to the caused decrease in toxic effect of atrazine: dark-gray forest soil...meadow chernozem soil...ordinary chernozem... modal chernozem... derno-podzolic forest soil... gray forest soil... derno-podzolic garden soil... gray forest agricultural soil...derno-podzolic agricultural soil. The results of these investigation allowed me to draw a conclusion that the soils enriched with organic matter and the virgin soils (without agronomic treatment) are characterized by a minimum toxic effect of atrazine on the wheat plants. Besides it is shown that an increasing the extent of agricultural treatment causes the lowering of the soil ability in mitigation of the dangerous herbicide activity It is hypothesized that it is the content and properties of organic matter that determines the state of plant production in the presence of herbicide in soil media.

Laboratory of Physical Organic Chemistry